Towson Domestic Violence Attorney

Trusted Domestic Violence Defense Attorney in Towson

Domestic violence is a serious concern in Maryland and across the country. Thousands of people and families are affected by violence and abuse, and fortunately, victims have legal options. While it is important to ensure that family members who have suffered abuse can leave dangerous situations and protect their health and safety, the focus on protecting victims means that there are some cases where people who are accused of domestic violence are treated unfairly. In fact, many alleged abusers are treated as if they are guilty rather than being presumed innocent until their guilt is proven. Because of this, it is very important to secure legal representation when responding to accusations of domestic violence and defending against related criminal charges.

Baltimore Legal Services provides compassionate legal representation for those who have been accused of domestic violence and other violent crimes. We know the difficulties that people are likely to face in these situations, especially when they are concerned about how their family relationships, their custody of their children, and their personal reputations will be affected. We can provide guidance on the correct ways to respond to criminal charges, issues reported to police officers who have been called to domestic incidents, or claims made during legal proceedings. We work to protect the rights of our clients and help them resolve these types of cases while avoiding long-term penalties that could affect them and their families.

Who May Be Charged With Domestic Violence

In Maryland, domestic violence charges may involve "abuse" that has allegedly been committed by a person against members of their family, people with whom they have close relationships, or others who live in their home. A person may be accused of committing domestic violence against:

  • A spouse or former spouse
  • A person who currently cohabits with the person
  • A current romantic or sexual partner or a former partner who had a sexual relationship with the person within the past year
  • The other parent of the person's child
  • Parents, stepparents, biological children, adoptive children, or stepchildren who lived in the person's home for at least 90 days within the past year
  • Anyone else related to the person genetically, through marriage, or through adoption

In many cases, domestic violence will involve acts of assault that allegedly resulted in bodily harm to a victim or caused a family member to fear that they would suffer bodily harm. However, domestic violence may include sex crimes such as rape, offenses involving kidnapping or false imprisonment, or actions that could be considered stalking or harassment. In addition to facing penalties for abuse or domestic violence, separate criminal charges may be brought for each of the alleged offenses.

Protective Orders in Maryland Domestic Violence Cases

When a person is accused of domestic violence, the court may take whatever actions it believes are necessary to protect the alleged victim or victims. Protective orders may be issued on an emergency basis, and a hearing will be held to determine whether ongoing protective measures are needed. These orders, which are also known as restraining orders, can impose various restrictions on a person who has been accused of domestic violence, including:

  • Preventing the person from returning to a shared residence
  • Ordering a person to stay away from their spouse, partner, or other family members, including while they are at home, work, or school
  • Restrictions on contacting or visiting children or other family members
  • Temporary child custody orders, as well as the requirement to pay child support or spousal support
  • The requirement to surrender any firearms the person owns and a prohibition on possessing firearms while the protective order is in effect

Violating a protective order can result in serious penalties, including additional criminal charges that could result in fines or jail time. It is crucial for a person who has been accused of domestic violence to understand the specific restrictions that will apply to them. They must follow these restrictions, even if they believe the order was based on false accusations, since violations could not only lead to penalties, but they could affect the outcome of a criminal case.

Our attorney can assist in defending against protective orders by challenging the allegations against a person, presenting evidence that contradicts the accuser's claims, arguing for less restrictive conditions, or taking necessary steps to protect the safety of a person's family members while preserving the rights of a person who is facing criminal charges. Our goal is to help our clients resolve these cases while avoiding convictions and minimizing the disruptions that may affect family relationships.

Contact a Towson, MD Domestic Violence Defense Attorney

If you have been accused of domestic violence, you may face a number of challenges that can impact nearly every facet of your life. By securing help from a qualified legal representative, you can take the necessary steps to defend yourself and avoid ongoing problems that could affect you and your family. Baltimore Legal Services can provide you with an effective defense and protect your legal interests, your personal relationships, and your reputation. Contact us today at 858-523-8423 to arrange a free consultation and begin taking steps to resolve your legal issues.

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