Towson Sex Crimes Defense Attorney

Proven Track Record in Defending Against Sex Crimes Charges in Towson

While there are many different situations where people may face criminal charges, offenses of a sexual nature are among the most serious types of crimes that a person can be accused of. These accusations can have profound implications on a person's life, damaging their reputation and limiting the opportunities that may be available to them in the future. Convictions for these types of crimes can lead to lengthy prison sentences and other penalties, including the requirement to register as a sex offender for many years or even for the rest of a person's life. Because nearly every aspect of a person's life will be affected by these accusations, it is crucial to secure legal representation from an attorney who can provide guidance on the best defense strategies to use to avoid a conviction and protect a person's reputation.

At Baltimore Legal Services, we understand the gravity of criminal charges related to sexual assault or other sex crimes. We know the many ways these accusations can affect your life, and we can help you determine how to respond to these claims and defend against a conviction. Our attorney has extensive experience in criminal cases, including serving as a prosecutor and public defender. We utilize this experience to ensure that our clients can approach criminal charges the right way, including by challenging evidence or witness testimony or negotiating agreements that will allow for a reduction of charges and the minimization of potential penalties. We are ready to protect your rights and help you resolve your case successfully.

Rape and Sexual Offenses

Accusations of sexual assault may arise from a variety of situations, but they will typically involve claims that a person engaged in sexual intercourse or sexual contact without receiving consent from the alleged victim. Depending on the specific circumstances of an alleged offense, a person may be charged with rape following accusations that they have engaged in intercourse through the use of force or threats, or they may be charged with a sexual offense based on claims of engaging in sexual contact other than intercourse. These charges may also apply in situations where adults are accused of engaging in sexual intercourse or sexual contact with minors.

Each case of alleged rape or sexual offense is unique, and the approach taken during a case must be crafted based on the specific allegations and the circumstances of a case. Our attorney will meticulously analyze the facts, evidence, and accusations involved in a case to develop a strong defense strategy. We may be able to challenge the reliability of evidence or the credibility of witnesses while presenting alternative narratives or highlighting inconsistencies in the prosecution's case. We will work to protect the rights and reputations of those who have been accused of sexual assault.

Internet Sex Crimes

The near-constant use of digital technology by many people has led to situations where people may be accused of illegally producing materials of a sexual nature or distributing them online. Internet sex crimes may include offenses related to revenge pornography or child pornography. Revenge pornography charges may apply in situations where a person is accused of distributing sexually explicit materials without the consent of the person depicted and with the intent to cause harm. Child pornography charges may be related to the possession, distribution, or creation of materials depicting minors engaging in sexual activity.

Our attorney may employ various defense strategies in cases involving online sex crimes. When defending against revenge pornography charges, we may be able to question the authenticity of evidence or demonstrate a lack of intent or an absence of malice. In cases involving child pornography, we may be able to show that a person did not intentionally access, possess, or distribute the materials in question. We will fight to ensure that the rights of our clients are upheld throughout the legal process while exploring mitigating factors or procedural errors that could influence the outcome of a case.

Contact Our Towson Sex Crimes Defense Attorney

If you are facing accusations of sex crimes, choosing the right attorney to represent you is critical. Baltimore Legal Services provides comprehensive legal support in these situations, and with our experience representing clients in these types of cases, we can help you understand the ideal defense strategies. We are dedicated to ensuring that every client is treated fairly and justly, and we will fight to protect your rights, your reputation, and your future. To arrange a free consultation and ensure that you can mount an effective defense against sex crime charges, reach out to our firm at 858-523-8423. We can be your ally during this challenging time, providing the legal support and representation you need.

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