Towson Drug Crimes Attorney

Experienced Defense Attorney Fighting Drug Crimes in Towson

The "war on drugs" is all too real for many Maryland residents. Law enforcement officials in the state continue to crack down on people who violate the laws regulating controlled substances. Charges of possession, distribution, manufacturing, or trafficking of drugs may occur following investigations, raids, or searches and seizures of evidence. Because of the severe penalties that may apply for those who are convicted of these offenses, representation from an experienced criminal defense attorney is essential as soon as an arrest occurs or from the moment a person learns they are under investigation for drug crimes.

At Baltimore Legal Services, we understand the difficulties faced by people who are accused of drug-related offenses. We know how a person's reputation and future opportunities can be affected when they have drug crimes on their record, and we understand the fears a person may experience if they are facing a lengthy prison sentence. We work to ensure that our clients can address drug charges effectively, and we provide experienced representation and advocacy in criminal courts, seeking to avoid convictions whenever possible or determining whether diversion or treatment programs may be available.

Drug Possession

Possession of controlled dangerous substances without a valid prescription is illegal in Maryland. In most cases, drug possession is a misdemeanor offense, but a conviction can still lead to significant penalties. While adults are allowed to possess and use small amounts of marijuana, possession of more than the "personal use amount" can lead to drug charges. Possession of other types of drugs, including methamphetamines, cocaine, heroin, or prescription opioids, may result in criminal prosecution. Understanding the best ways to respond to accusations of drug possession can help ensure that those who are charged with these offenses will be able to resolve their cases successfully.

Drug Distribution and Possession with Intent to Distribute

Criminal charges will become more serious when a drug-related offense involves distribution or intent to distribute. These charges are not limited to the act of selling drugs, but they may also apply if a person is accused of possessing large quantities of drugs, giving drugs to others, or manufacturing drugs with the intent to distribute them. In most cases, drug distribution is a felony offense, and the specific penalties may be based on whether the drugs in question are considered narcotics or whether a person has any prior convictions.

Drug Trafficking

Importing or transporting drugs into Maryland from other states or countries will usually result in charges that are more serious than drug distribution. These cases will usually involve large amounts of drugs and conspiracies with multiple participants. In some cases, federal officials may also become involved, and a person may be charged with federal drug crimes. Under Maryland law, drug trafficking is a felony that carries a sentence of up to 25 years, as well as fines of up to $50,000.

The Role of a Criminal Defense Attorney in Drug Cases

If you are facing drug charges in Maryland, your case may have a substantial impact on your freedom, livelihood, and future. At Baltimore Legal Services, our skilled criminal defense attorney can help you navigate the complexities of the legal system and provide you with an effective defense. We can assist with:

  • Strategy development: Our attorney will review the specific accusations and charges in your case and develop a strategic defense. This might involve challenging the legality of the search and seizure of evidence or disputing claims that you intended to distribute drugs to others.
  • Navigating plea bargains and trials: We understand the nuances of plea bargaining, and our attorney is adept at negotiating favorable terms with prosecutors. If we cannot reach an agreement that is acceptable to you, we can take your case to trial and advocate on your behalf, cross-examining witnesses, presenting evidence, and arguing for an acquittal.
  • Ensuring that your rights are protected: Throughout the legal process, we will provide guidance on the implications of each decision made during your case, help you understand the legal process, and stand by your side as your advocate, ensuring that your voice is heard and that you will be treated fairly.

Contact Our Towson Drug Crimes Attorney

In cases involving controlled substances, legal representation is crucial. Prosecutors will often pursue the maximum penalties available in these cases, and you need a legal advocate who will fight for your rights and help you resolve your case successfully. Baltimore Legal Services can provide you with experienced legal counsel, working to uphold your rights and fighting for the best possible outcome. Contact our office at 858-523-8423 for a free consultation.

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