Towson DUI Defense Attorney

Experienced DUI Defense Attorney in Towson

Of the different motor vehicle offenses that may apply when a person is accused of violating the traffic laws in Maryland, driving under the influence (DUI) is among the most serious. A person who is arrested for drunk or drugged driving and charged with DUI may face significant legal consequences, including the loss of their driver's license, substantial fines, or even a potential prison sentence. Understanding DUI charges, their implications, and the defense strategies that can be employed is crucial for anyone facing an accusation of drunk driving in Maryland.

At Baltimore Legal Services, we provide criminal defense services that address a wide variety of different types of charges, ranging from traffic offenses to violent crimes, drug crimes, or sex crimes. We understand the serious nature of DUI charges and the ways they can affect your life, and we are dedicated to helping you resolve your case while avoiding long-term consequences. Whether defending against a conviction in court or working to ensure that your driving privileges can be reinstated, we will help you determine the best ways to proceed so that you can move forward and put this difficult situation behind you.

Penalties for DUI in Maryland

Maryland law defines DUI as operating a vehicle while under the influence or alcohol or controlled substances. In most cases, alcohol impairment will be determined by taking a breath or blood sample after a driver is arrested, and if testing shows that their blood alcohol content was at least .08%, they will be considered to be under the influence. Any amount of a controlled substance in a person's system may also lead to DUI charges. People who are under the legal limit may still face criminal charges, although in these cases, a person may be charged with driving while impaired (DWI) rather than DUI.

DUI offenses are classified as misdemeanors in most cases, and the penalties will typically depend on whether a person had any prior convictions. A first-time DUI involving intoxication by either alcohol or drugs may result in a sentence of up to one year in jail, as well as fines of up to $1,000. A breath or blood test showing that a driver was over the legal limit for blood alcohol content will result in a 180-day driver's license suspension, and if a person refused to submit to testing, their license will be suspended for 270 days. A DUI conviction will also result in a six-month driver's license revocation.

For a second DUI offense, penalties increase to a maximum sentence of two years in prison and a maximum fine of $2,000. Failing a blood or breath test after a prior DUI conviction will result in a 180-day license suspension, but refusal to submit to testing will result in a two-year suspension. A second conviction for DUI will result in a one-year driver's license revocation. If a second DUI conviction took place within five years after a first DUI conviction, a person will be required to use an ignition interlock device after their driving privileges are restored.

Other circumstances of a case may result in more severe penalties. If a person was transporting a minor when they were arrested for DUI, they may be sentenced to up to two years and fined up to $2,000 for a first offense, and a second offense may result in a sentence of up to three years and a fine of up to $3,000. If a person who has been accused of DUI was involved in an accident in which someone was injured or killed, they may face additional criminal charges such as assault or manslaughter.

Defense Strategies for DUI Charges

Our skilled criminal defense attorney can employ various strategies to defend against a conviction for DUI. These strategies will depend on the circumstances of a case, and they may include:

  • Questioning the traffic stop: It may be possible to challenge the legality of the initial traffic stop. If a police officer did not have a valid reason to pull a driver over because there was no reasonable suspicion that they had committed an offense, DUI charges may be dismissed.
  • Challenging field sobriety and chemical tests: During a traffic stop, a police officer may ask a driver to perform standardized field sobriety tests, and chemical tests performed after an arrest may measure a driver's blood alcohol content or determine whether they had drugs in their system. The reliability and administration of these tests can be questioned, and if there were any errors or other issues, they may not be admissible as evidence.
  • Procedural and rights violations: Any violations of a person's rights during a traffic stop, arrest, or processing may be addressed during a case. Discrepancies in an officer's reports or failure to follow proper procedures may lead to a dismissal or reduction of charges.

Contact Our Towson, MD DUI Defense Attorney

Following a DUI arrest in Maryland, timely legal intervention is crucial. Contact Baltimore Legal Services at 858-523-8423 to schedule a free consultation and get the legal help you need as you address accusations of DUI, defend against a conviction, and take steps to restore your driving privileges. Your rights and your future are our priority, and we are dedicated to providing you with the legal support you need during this challenging time.

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