Towson Harassment Defense Attorney

Towson's Go-To Attorney for Harassment Defense Cases

There are a variety of situations where people may be accused of unwanted and intrusive behavior. While some of these cases may be based on disagreements and interpersonal conflicts, continued behavior that is meant to inflict distress may lead to charges of harassment. Maryland law recognizes the impact that harassment can have on victims, and those who are accused of this offense may face criminal charges. Defending against these accusations can be difficult, but with the assistance of an experienced criminal defense attorney, a defendant can protect their rights and take steps to avoid a conviction.

Baltimore Legal Services provides legal representation in a wide variety of criminal cases, and we can help a person accused of harassment determine how to respond. We can provide guidance on the specific charges that may be related to in-person harassment or harassment using phones or electronic devices. We can also assist with cases involving accusations of stalking, which may result in even more serious criminal charges, and we can help people accused of harassment determine how to respond to protective orders or peace orders that may be requested by alleged victims. With our help, a defendant can develop a successful defense strategy that will protect their rights and reputation.

Harassment Charges

In Maryland, harassment is defined as following someone in public or engaging in conduct that is alarming or annoying. To be convicted of this offense, a person must have had the intent to alarm, annoy, or harass the alleged victim, they must have continued the behavior after being requested to stop, and their actions must not have had a valid legal purpose. In general, harassment charges will involve continuing behavior that would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress.

Harassment is a misdemeanor offense. A first-time conviction for harassment may lead to a sentence of up to 90 days in jail, and a person may also be required to pay a fine of up to $500. For second or subsequent offenses, the maximum jail sentence increases to 180 days, and the maximum fine increases to $1,000.

Telephone Misuse

Harassment that is committed using telephones is known as telephone misuse, and it can result in more serious charges than other types of harassment. A person may be charged with this offense if they are accused of making repeated calls with the intent to disturb someone's peace, using obscene language, making threats, or otherwise annoying, abusing, or embarrassing the alleged victim or victims. The penalties a person may face if they are convicted of this offense include a maximum jail sentence of three years, a maximum fine of $500, or both.

Electronic Communication Harassment

With the ever-increasing use of digital communication via social media, email, text messages, video chats, or other methods, Maryland law addresses harassment that may be committed through electronic means. A person may be charged with electronic communication harassment if they allegedly engaged in a course of conduct in which they communicated with someone else online with the intent of annoying or alarming them or inflicting emotional distress. Harassment of minors is taken especially seriously, and accusations of causing minors to suffer harm, placing them at risk of being injured or killed, or attempting to persuade them to commit suicide will be likely to lead to serious criminal charges.

Harassment through electronic communication is a misdemeanor, and in most cases, a person who is convicted will face a maximum jail sentence of three years and a maximum fine of $10,000. However, if a person is accused of using electronic communications to attempt to induce a minor to commit suicide, the maximum jail sentence is 10 years.

Contact Our Towson, MD Harassment Defense Attorney

If you are dealing with harassment charges in Towson, Maryland, reaching out to a skilled criminal defense attorney can ensure that you will be able to address these accusations correctly and defend against a conviction. Baltimore Legal Services provides legal representation in cases involving harassment and other types of criminal offenses, focusing on protecting the rights of our clients and helping them achieve the best possible outcomes. Set up a free consultation by calling 858-523-8423 or contacting us online. Let us help you address these charges with confidence and strive for a favorable resolution to your case.

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