Towson Stalking Defense Attorney

Trusted Defense Attorney for Stalking Charges in Towson

Stalking is a serious criminal offense in Maryland. It can take a number of forms, but it generally involves continuing behaviors that can cause people to fear for their safety. Understanding the nuances of stalking charges is crucial for those who are facing these accusations, and an experienced attorney can provide guidance on the options available in these situations. With representation from a knowledgeable and skilled legal advocate, a person accused of stalking can defend themselves in criminal courts while also protecting their reputation and addressing any other legal issues they may encounter.

At Baltimore Legal Services, we provide criminal defense services in many different types of cases, including when interpersonal conflicts may lead to allegations of stalking or harassment. With our experience prosecuting and defending criminal cases, we know the legal issues that may arise in these situations, and we can help defendants take the correct steps to respond to the charges against them. We will work to help our clients avoid convictions whenever possible, and we can also address other related issues such as peace orders or protective orders that may be requested by alleged victims of harassment or stalking.

What Constitutes Stalking?

In Maryland, stalking is defined as engaging in a course of conduct that would cause a reasonable person to fear for their safety or suffer substantial emotional distress. Stalking may involve approaching or pursuing someone in person, communicating with them electronically, or using devices to track their location without their knowledge or consent. A person may be charged with stalking based on claims that they intended to cause emotional distress or knew that their actions would cause the alleged victim to fear that they would suffer physical injuries or experience assault, rape, false imprisonment, or death.

There are numerous types of behaviors that could lead to accusations of stalking. A person may be accused of physically following someone while they are in public, remaining outside their home, or placing tracking devices on their vehicle to monitor their movements. An alleged victim may claim that a person repeatedly showed up at their workplace, sent unwanted gifts, or made threatening phone calls. The alleged use of social media and other digital platforms to harass someone, make threats, or intentionally inflict emotional distress may also lead to stalking charges.

While stalking is a misdemeanor offense, a conviction can result in serious penalties, including a prison sentence of up to five years, as well as a maximum fine of $5,000. Any sentence for stalking may be imposed in addition to sentences for other related criminal charges that a person is accused of committing, such as assault or rape.

Defense Against Stalking Charges

If you have been accused of stalking, you may not only face criminal charges, but your personal reputation could be damaged, and you may face restrictions on where you can go, who you can communicate with, and what types of activities you can engage in. Baltimore Legal Services can help you defend against criminal charges and address other legal issues. We can assist you in the following ways:

  • Case assessment: We will thoroughly review the details of your case, examining the circumstances surrounding the alleged offense to determine the most effective defense strategy.
  • Challenging evidence: We can review the evidence that may be used in your case, determining whether it was obtained legally, whether it is relevant to the alleged offense, and whether it may be challenged.
  • Defense strategies: We may be able to show that there was a lack of intent to cause fear or emotional distress, demonstrate that the alleged actions were not repeated or threatening, or show that the behavior in question was misinterpreted.
  • Negotiation: If necessary, we can negotiate with prosecutors to determine whether charges can be reduced or dismissed. We may be able to demonstrate that there were mitigating circumstances or advocate for leniency for a first-time offense.

Contact Our Towson, Maryland Stalking Defense Attorney

At Baltimore Legal Services, we can provide you with comprehensive legal representation as you address accusations of stalking, harassment, or related offenses. We will work to protect your rights and ensure that you are treated fairly during your case. Contact us for a free consultation at 858-523-8423 to get the legal help you need. Our commitment is to provide you with the best possible legal representation, striving for a positive outcome in your case.

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