Towson DWI Defense Attorney

Knowledgeable DWI Defense Attorney in Towson

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can risk the safety of a driver, their passengers, and others. Drivers who are accused of intoxicated driving can face severe legal consequences. In Maryland, charges related to impaired driving are taken very seriously. If a driver is stopped by a police officer and arrested for intoxicated driving, they may be charged with driving under the influence (DUI). However, Maryland law also includes the offense of driving while impaired (DWI). While this is a less serious offense, it can still result in penalties that may affect a person's life and their ability to continue driving. Understanding the differences between these two charges is important for anyone who has been accused of drunk or drugged driving, and an experienced attorney can provide legal guidance and representation in these situations.

At Baltimore Legal Services, we have extensive experience in criminal defense cases, and we have represented many clients have faced charges related to drunk driving, as well as other types of offenses. We understand the ways people may be affected by accusations of driving while impaired, including the potential loss of a driver's license, the requirement to pay large fines, and even the possibility of serving time in prison. With our experience handling these types of cases and achieving positive results for our clients, we can work to resolve these matters successfully while protecting your rights.

Distinctions Between DWI and DUI in Maryland

The "legal limit" for blood alcohol content (BAC) in Maryland is .08 percent. If tests performed after an arrest show that a driver was over this limit while they were driving, they will typically face DUI charges. However, Maryland law also states that it is illegal for a person to drive while they are "impaired by alcohol." This means that even if a driver is not above the legal limit, they may be charged with DWI if they have alcohol in their system and an officer determines that their ability to drive safely has been affected.

DWI charges may also be related to the use of substances other than alcohol. Various drugs may affect a person's driving ability, and traces of substances such as cocaine, methamphetamines, or marijuana in a person's system could lead to DWI charges. These charges may also apply if a person was under the influence of a combination of substances, such as alcohol and drugs or even medications used to treat conditions such as flu or the common cold.

Penalties for DWI in Maryland

An arrest for DWI may be based on standardized field sobriety tests performed during a traffic stop. If a driver takes a roadside breathalyzer test that shows that they are under the legal limit, or if an officer believes that they may be impaired due to the use of other substances, they may ask the driver to perform physical tests that are meant to determine their level of impairment. These tests may provide an officer with probable cause to perform an arrest, and further chemical testing may then be performed to determine what intoxicants a driver had in their system. Based on these tests, a driver may be charged with DWI.

The penalties for a DWI conviction in Maryland are less severe than a driver would face if they were convicted of DUI, but they can still be serious. They include:

  • First offense: Offenders may face up to two months in prison, a fine of up to $500, and a six-month driver's license suspension. Drivers under the age of 21 will face a one-year license suspension.
  • Second offense: In these cases, the potential sentence increases to a maximum of one year in jail. A maximum $500 fine will still apply, and a person's driver's license will be suspended for nine months to one year. Drivers under the age of 21 will face a two-year license suspension.

Contact Our Towson, Maryland DWI Defense Attorney

Facing a DWI charge in Maryland can be a daunting experience, but you do not have to handle this situation alone. Baltimore Legal Services can provide you with experienced legal guidance, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you will be able to defend against a conviction or minimize your potential penalties. With a deep understanding of Maryland's drunk driving laws and a commitment to protecting our clients' rights, we are ready to assist you. Contact our firm at 858-523-8423 to set up a free consultation today.

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