Towson Sex Offenses Defense Attorney

Protecting Against Sex Offense Charges in Towson, MD

In Maryland, sex crimes may include a broad range of illicit activities that may cause harm to the alleged victims. People often use the blanket term "sexual assault" for sexual activity committed against a person without their consent. However, state laws group these offenses into two general categories: rape and sexual offenses. While rape involves sexual intercourse, sexual offenses involve sexual contact that is not penetrative. Even though sexual offenses may be less serious than rape, they are still considered to be sex crimes, and people who are convicted of these offenses will face a number of penalties that could affect their lives permanently.

When defending against sex crime accusations, it is crucial to be represented by a attorney who has the necessary knowledge and experience. At Baltimore Legal Services, our attorney has worked as a prosecutor, giving him a strong understanding of the issues involved in these cases and the methods that attorneys for the state may use to attempt to secure convictions. He has also worked as a public defender and a private attorney who has defended clients against a wide variety of offenses. With his understanding of Maryland law, he can make sure people accused of sexual offenses will be treated fairly, and he will advocate for their rights and work to help them avoid convictions.

Sexual Offenses in Maryland

Sexual offenses generally involve non-consensual sexual contact other than sexual intercourse. Sexual contact may include touching another person's intimate parts in order to receive sexual gratification. It involves contact that does not include sexual penetration or oral sex. A person may be charged with a sexual offense if they are accused of purposely touching someone else in a sexual manner when they did not receive consent to do so. Sexual intercourse or sexual contact between adults and minors may also lead to the adult being charged with a sexual offense, even if the acts were consensual.

There are two degrees of sexual offenses in Maryland:

  • Third-degree sexual offense: This category of offense is similar to the offense of first-degree rape, although it will involve non-consensual sexual contact rather than sexual intercourse. Allegations that a person engaged in sexual contact while using a weapon, while strangling the victim, with the assistance of another party, or while a victim was physically or mentally incapable of giving consent may result in felony charges, and a person who is convicted may be sentenced to a maximum of 10 years in prison. Sexual contact in which there was an age gap of four years or more between a person and a child under the age of 14 or sexual intercourse between an adult over the age of 21 and a child aged 14 or 15 may also result in criminal charges for a third-degree sexual offense.
  • Fourth-degree sexual offense: These crimes include other offenses in which a person is accused of sexual contact without receiving the consent of the alleged victim. This charge may also apply in cases involving sexual intercourse in which a child was 14 or 15 at the time of the alleged offense with an age gap of at least four years between the child and the alleged offender. A person who held a position in which they had authority over children at a school or an extracurricular program, such as a teacher, school employee, coach, instructor, counselor, church leader, scout leader, or government employee, may be charged with a fourth-degree sexual offense if they engage in sexual intercourse or sexual contact with a child who was enrolled at a school or participating in a program. A fourth-degree sexual offense is a misdemeanor, and a conviction may result in a sentence of up to one year in jail, as well as a maximum fine of $1,000. A second conviction after a previous conviction of a sex crime may result in a maximum sentence of three years.

Contact a Towson, MD Sexual Offense Attorney

Accusations of sexual offenses or crimes of a sexual nature can have profound legal ramifications, and they can affect a person's life in many ways, even if they are not convicted. At Baltimore Legal Services, we work to defend the rights of people who have been accused of these types of offenses. We can not only help a defendant take steps to defend against a conviction, but we can also advise them on how to protect their personal reputation and avoid problems that could affect their careers and other aspects of their life. Schedule a free, confidential consultation by calling 858-523-8423 or contacting us online.

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