Towson Theft Defense Attorney

Trusted Theft Defense Attorney in Towson

There are a variety of situations where a person may be accused of theft or other related property crimes. While theft may involve taking money or property that belongs to someone else without authorization, other activities could also potentially lead to criminal charges. Depending on the circumstances of a case and the value of the property or services that were allegedly stolen, either misdemeanor or felony charges may apply. Understanding how to defend against accusations of theft is not always easy, and a criminal defense attorney can provide crucial legal assistance in these situations.

At Baltimore Legal Services, our attorney understands the laws in Maryland that address theft, and we can provide an effective defense in these cases. We believe in zealously advocating for the rights of our clients, and we can review the circumstances of a case to determine the best defense strategies to avoid a conviction.

What Constitutes Theft Under Maryland Law?

Theft generally involves unlawfully obtaining or exerting control over someone else's property. If a person intends to permanently deprive the owner of their property, they may face criminal charges. Different types of theft may include:

  • Physical theft: Directly stealing money or property is one of the most common forms of theft. It may include shoplifting or otherwise taking items that belong to someone else. In some cases, additional charges may apply, such as robbery when a person is accused of taking money or property from someone by force or burglary when a person is accused of breaking and entering into someone else's property to commit theft.
  • Theft by deception: Acquiring money or property by intentionally misleading or deceiving the owner is commonly known as fraud, and it carries the same penalties as other forms of theft under Maryland law.
  • Possession of stolen property: Knowingly possessing money or property that has been stolen from others may lead to theft charges, even if the person accused of this offense did not directly steal the items in question.
  • Services theft: This type of theft occurs when a person obtains services—such as utilities, hotel accommodations, or transportation—without intending to pay for them. In these cases, a person may face penalties based on the value of the services that were allegedly stolen.
  • Embezzlement: This form of theft involves unlawfully taking property by someone to whom it was entrusted. It typically occurs in business settings, and it may involve an employee stealing money or other items from their employer.

Penalties for Theft Convictions

The specific charges that a person may face for theft will usually be based on the value of the money, property, or services that were allegedly stolen. Different categories of theft include:

  • Petty theft: This is the least severe form of theft, also known as misdemeanor theft. In cases involving property or services valued at less than $100, penalties may include fines of up to $500 and imprisonment for up to 90 days. If the value of the property or services that were allegedly stolen is between $100 and $1,500, a Conviction can result in a fine of up to $500 and a prison sentence of up to six months for a first conviction and up to one year for a second or subsequent conviction.
  • Grand theft: When the value of the items that were allegedly stolen is at least $1,500 a person will face felony theft charges. Theft of between $1,500 and $25,000 may result in a sentence of up to five years and up to $10,000 in fines. For theft of between $25,000 and $100,000, the penalties increase to up to 10 years and fines of up to $15,000. Theft of more than $100,000 carries a sentence of up to 20 years and fines of up to $25,000.
  • Motor vehicle theft: A person who is accused of stealing a motor vehicle from its rightful owner will face felony charges, regardless of the value of the vehicle. A conviction can lead to a prison sentence of up to five years, as well as a maximum fine of $5,000.

Contact Our Towson Theft Crimes Defense Attorney

If you are facing theft charges in Maryland, it is crucial to have a knowledgeable attorney on your side who can help you navigate the legal system and defend against a conviction. At Baltimore Legal Services, our attorney has represented clients in a wide array of theft cases, from petty theft to grand theft, motor vehicle theft, and embezzlement. Contact us today at 858-523-8423 to arrange a complimentary consultation and determine how to address these charges effectively.

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