Towson Distribution/PWID Attorney

Experienced Attorney for Distribution/PWID Charges in Towson

Criminal charges related to controlled substances can result in severe penalties for those who are convicted. In Maryland, law enforcement investigates and prosecutes these offenses, and charges may range from drug possession to drug distribution or drug trafficking. Those who are accused of distributing or dispensing controlled substances to others may be charged with felony offenses, and they could be required to pay thousands of dollars in fines and serve lengthy sentences in prison. When defending against these charges, it is crucial to work with an attorney who has a strong understanding of the applicable laws and experience addressing these matters.

Baltimore Legal Services represents clients in multiple types of criminal cases, and we use or knowledge of Maryland law and skills built through years of experience to ensure that people accused of drug crimes will have the legal help they need. We know the complex factors that may play a role in these cases, the methods used by law enforcement to investigate alleged crimes and obtain evidence, and the strategies that can be employed to counter accusations or address violations of a person's rights. We can help ensure that people accused of drug distribution will be treated fairly during the criminal process while fighting to help them avoid convictions or reduce their charges and potential penalties.

What Constitutes Drug Distribution?

Charges related to drug distribution can arise based on a range of accusations, and they are not just limited to the act of selling drugs. Activities that could lead to drug distribution charges include:

  • Distributing or dispensing controlled substances: This may include any act of providing controlled substances to others, including selling drugs, delivering drugs to people who plan to sell them, or sharing drugs with others.
  • Manufacturing controlled substances: Producing drugs through chemical synthesis or natural cultivation may lead to charges of drug distribution.
  • Possession with intent to distribute (PWID): Possession of controlled substances may lead to drug distribution charges if there are indicators suggesting that a person may share, deliver, or sell the drugs to others. These may include possessing large amounts of one or more types of drugs, as well as possession of scales or packaging materials.

Penalties for Drug Distribution

Maryland law classifies drug distribution as a felony offense in most cases. The specific penalties that may apply will depend on the types of substances involved in a case:

  • Narcotics: These include most drugs in Schedule I or Schedule II, such as heroin or cocaine. A first or second offense of distributing narcotics may result in a prison sentence of up to 20 years and a maximum fine of $15,000. If a person has two previous convictions and served at least one prison sentence of 180 days or more, they may face a maximum sentence of 25 years and a maximum fine of $25,000. A fourth conviction after a person has served three separate terms for narcotics distribution offenses may lead to a sentence of up to 40 years in jail and a maximum fine of $25,000.
  • Other controlled dangerous substances: A conviction on charges of distributing controlled substances other than narcotics may be sentenced to a maximum of five years in prison, and they may also be required to pay fines of up to $15,000.
  • Marijuana: Despite the legalization of small amounts of marijuana for personal use, distributing marijuana remains illegal for those who do not have a valid license to do so. This is a misdemeanor offense, and it carries a jail sentence of up to three years and a maximum fine of $5,000.

Drug Distribution and Firearms

People who are accused of possessing, carrying, or using firearms in connection with offenses related to drug distribution (known as "drug trafficking crimes") may face weapons charges in addition to drug charges. Possession of a firearm in relation to a drug trafficking crime is a felony offense that carries a prison sentence of five to 20 years for a first offense and a sentence of 10 to 20 years for any subsequent offenses. These penalties will apply alongside any penalties that may be imposed if a person is convicted of drug distribution or other drug charges.

Contact Our Towson, Maryland Drug Distribution Defense Attorney

Facing drug distribution charges can be overwhelming, but with Baltimore Legal Services at your side, you will have an experienced legal advocate who understands the intricacies of Maryland's drug laws. We will consider every aspect of your case, examining the legality of the evidence and challenging the prosecution's assertions about your intent and actions, with the goal of securing a dismissal or reducing the potential penalties that may apply. Contact us today by calling 858-523-8423 to schedule your free consultation.

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