Towson Arson Defense Attorney

Experienced Arson Defense Attorney in Towson

Arson, which involves setting fire to and burning property with the intent to damage or destroy it, is a serious criminal offense in Maryland. While it may seem to be a property crime, it is sometimes categorized as a violent crime, since the burning of property can cause serious harm or even death for people in buildings or others who may be affected. Because of the potential for large-scale destruction and financial losses, as well as injuries or deaths, arson cases are treated very seriously by law enforcement, and those who are accused of these offenses may face severe penalties.

Those who face charges of arson will need to determine the best ways to defend against these accusations, and a skilled attorney can be an invaluable ally in these situations. At Baltimore Legal Services, we have an in-depth understanding of Maryland criminal law, and we have defended many clients against violent crimes and other types of charges. With our extensive experience in the state's criminal courts, including working as prosecutors, public defenders, and private defense attorneys, we can help our clients create effective defense strategies to avoid convictions or reduce the charges and penalties against them.

Arson Crimes in Maryland

The state differentiates between several degrees of arson, each carrying its own set of potential penalties. We can assist with cases involving accusations of:

First-Degree Arson

This offense involves the deliberate burning of a home or dwelling or another structure in which one or more people are present. This degree of arson is considered a felony due to the high potential for endangering lives and the serious injuries that a building's occupants may experience. The penalties are severe, with those who are convicted facing a potential prison sentence of up to 30 years, a maximum fine of $50,000, or both.

Second-Degree Arson

This form of arson involves the intentional burning of structures other than dwellings, such as barns, stables, or warehouses. Although these offenses may not directly endanger people's lives, they may be significant threats to property and community safety. Second-degree arson is a felony offense, and a conviction can lead to a prison sentence of up to 20 years, a maximum fine of $30,000, or both.

First-Degree Malicious Burning

Arson offenses involving property other than buildings are known as malicious burning. When a person intentionally sets fire to personal property that belongs to someone else, resulting in at least $1,000 in property damage, they may be charged with first-degree malicious burning. This is a misdemeanor offense that is punishable by up to 5 years in prison, up to $5,000 in fines, or both.

Second-Degree Malicious Burning

Malicious burning that results in property damage of less than $1,000 is also a misdemeanor offense. The penalties of a conviction include a potential jail term of up to 18 months, up to $500 in fines, or both.

Defense Strategies in Arson Cases

Depending on the circumstances of a case, our attorneys may be able to employ various defense strategies for those who have been accused of arson. These strategies may include:

  • Challenging evidence: We can scrutinize the prosecution's evidence, questioning the methods used to determine the cause of a fire and identify the alleged perpetrator.
  • Alibi defense: We may be able to demonstrate that the accused was not at the scene when the fire occurred and that there was no way they could have been the person who started the fire.
  • Mistaken identity: In some cases, it may be possible to argue that the wrong person has been accused of arson. We may be able to challenge circumstantial evidence or call evidence such as blurry security camera footage or unreliable witness testimony into question.
  • Lack of intent: To be convicted of arson, a person must have willfully and maliciously started a fire or burned someone else's property. We may be able to show that a fire was started accidentally or that the accused did not intend to cause damage.

Contact Our Towson, Maryland Arson Defense Attorney

Arson charges can carry substantial penalties that may impact multiple aspects of a person's life. For those who are facing these charges, a defense attorney with a deep understanding of arson laws can be crucial. At Baltimore Legal Services, we can build an effective defense strategy to help defend against a conviction. We encourage you to reach out to us at 858-523-8423 and schedule a free, confidential consultation to discuss your case and begin working toward a favorable legal outcome.

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