Towson Standardized Field Sobriety Tests Attorney

Experienced Attorney Handling Standardized Field Sobriety Tests in Towson

There are a variety of reasons that people may be pulled over by police officers, and many of these cases involve alleged violations of traffic laws, such as speeding, running red lights, or having broken headlights or taillights. However, traffic stops can quickly escalate into serious legal matters if an officer suspects that a driver had been drinking alcohol or using drugs before they got behind the wheel. In these situations, officers may ask drivers to perform standardized field sobriety tests (SFSTs) to assess a driver's physical and cognitive faculties and determine if they may be unable to drive safely because they are intoxicated. Understanding these tests is crucial for those who may face DUI or DWI charges in Maryland.

Baltimore Legal Services works to protect the rights of drivers who are charged with intoxicated driving or other motor vehicle offenses. With our deep understanding of Maryland's laws and our experience representing clients who have been arrested for alleged drunk driving, we can ensure that the proper steps are taken to defend against convictions. We can help challenge field sobriety tests performed during a traffic stop and other types of evidence that may play a role in a case, and we will work to ensure that these cases can be resolved successfully.

The Significance of Standardized Field Sobriety Tests

When a driver is pulled over in Towson, an officer may ask them to take field sobriety tests. These tests have been standardized, ensuring that officers perform them consistently while looking for signs of impairment. However, they are subject to human error and subjective judgment. While the results of these tests may be pivotal in establishing probable cause for an arrest, they can be challenged by an attorney who understands the ways they are performed and the potential issues that may lead to improper interpretations.

The Three Core Tests

  1. Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) Test: In this test, an officer will track the movements of a driver's eyes as they watch an object that is moved from side to side, such as the officer's finger, a pen, or a flashlight. The officer will be looking for signs of involuntary eye jerking, which can occur when a person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. However, these symptoms can also result from various medical conditions, and these tests are not always reliable.
  2. Walk-and-Turn Test: In this test, the driver will take nine steps in a straight line, turn around, and walk back to the starting point. This test assesses balance and coordination, as well as a driver's ability to follow directions. External factors like uneven road surfaces or footwear can affect performance, raising questions about the test's fairness.
  3. One-Leg-Stand Test: The officer will ask the driver to stand with one foot raised and count aloud until told to stop. This test evaluates balance, concentration, and muscle control. Conditions such as leg injuries or inherent balance issues can impact the test's outcome, potentially leading to false indications of impairment.

Challenges in Reliability and Interpretation

While SFSTs are widely used, they are not infallible. Various factors, including the officer's training and experience, environmental conditions, and the driver's physical health, can influence the results. A skilled attorney can scrutinize the ways these tests were administered and interpreted, challenging their validity and reliability. If the results of SFSTs are determined to be invalid, an officer may not have had probable cause to perform an arrest, and DUI or DWI charges could potentially be dismissed.

It is also important to note that field sobriety tests are not mandatory. While an officer may request that a driver submit to these tests, and they may even indicate that a driver is required to comply, a person can decline to participate. Since the sole purpose of SFSTs is to establish probable cause to perform an arrest, declining to take these tests can remove a tool from an officer's arsenal, and it may help a driver prevent a potential DUI or DWI conviction.

Contact Our Towson DUI/DWI Attorney

When facing DUI or DWI charges in Towson, it is essential to have a legal advocate on your side who understands the intricacies of field sobriety tests and other factors that could affect your case. Baltimore Legal Services can provide you with experienced legal guidance, ensuring that your rights are protected and helping you defend against a conviction. Contact us today at 858-523-8423 for a free consultation.

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