Towson Rape Defense Attorney

Experienced Towson Attorney for Rape Allegations

Allegations of sex crimes can lead to substantial legal and social repercussions. A person who is accused of rape may find that their reputation is permanently ruined before they are ever charged with a crime. They may lose their job, and their family relationships and interactions with friends and colleagues may be forever altered. If they are convicted of rape, the penalties may become even more severe, and in addition to serving a lengthy prison sentence, they may also face a permanent criminal record and sex offender registration.

Because of the seriousness of rape charges, it is important to secure representation from an attorney who has experience with these types of cases and who understands the potential defense strategies that may be used. At Baltimore Legal Services, we work to handle these cases with sensitivity. We understand the importance of upholding the principle that all criminal defendants should be treated as if they are innocent until they are proven guilty in court. We will work to determine the best defense strategies to use in these situations to defend against sex crime convictions and protect our clients' reputations.

What Is Rape?

While there are many actions that could be considered sexual assault, rape charges may apply if a person is accused of engaging in sexual intercourse without consent. Sexual intercourse may include any form of sexual penetration, including oral sex or anal sex. While rape may involve the use of force to engage in sexual intercourse or the threat to commit violence if a person does not agree to have sex, it may also involve other situations where a person is unable to legally give consent. For example, a person cannot give consent if they are unconscious or cannot physically resist because they are intoxicated by alcohol or have been drugged. A minor also is unable to legally consent to sexual intercourse with an adult. Cases involving sexual contact other than intercourse will generally lead to charges of sexual offenses rather than charges of rape.

There are two categories of rape charges in Maryland:

  • First-degree rape: The most serious charges of rape involve sexual intercourse committed through force or threats in which a person allegedly used a weapon that is considered dangerous or deadly, such as a firearm or knife or allegedly strangled or choked the victim. Accusations of sexual assault may also cause charges to be elevated to first-degree rape if a person allegedly committed rape while being aided by someone else or while also committing burglary. First-degree rape carries a maximum sentence of life in prison without eligibility for parole. If an adult over the age of 18 allegedly committed first-degree rape against a victim who was below the age of 13, a conviction will result in a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years.
  • Second-degree rape: Any other forms of non-consensual sexual intercourse, including those involving force or threats of violence, will generally be classified under this category. In cases where an alleged victim was younger than 14 years old, and there was an age gap of four years or more between the alleged victim and the alleged perpetrator, a person may be charged with second-degree rape even if the sexual intercourse was consensual. In most cases, second-degree rape carries a maximum prison sentence of 20 years. However, allegations of non-consensual sexual intercourse between an adult who was at least 18 years old and a child who was below the age of 13 may lead to a mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years and a maximum sentence of life in prison.

Contact a Towson Rape Charges Attorney

At Baltimore Legal Services, our legal team has the knowledge and experience required to navigate complex cases involving accusations of rape, sexual assault, or other sex crimes. We can provide support throughout the legal process, ensuring that the accused's rights are protected and working to secure a favorable outcome to their case. We know how a person and their family can be affected by these accusations, and we are committed to providing our clients with an effective defense, helping them avoid convictions that could destroy their reputations, limit their future opportunities, and damage their personal relationships. To get the legal help you need when defending against sex crimes, contact us at 858-523-8423 and set up a free consultation today.

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