Defending Yourself When Facing Sex Crime Charges in Baltimore

 Posted on July 26, 2024 in Sex Crimes

MD defense lawyerSex crime allegations can have far-reaching consequences for the accused. You could face long prison sentences, mandatory registration as a sex offender, and irreparable damage to your reputation. Out of prison, these allegations can follow you for years and can limit your employment, schooling, housing, and social opportunities. If you think you might be facing accusations of sex crimes, speak with a dedicated Harford County, MD criminal defense attorney who can build an aggressive defense and fight hard to protect your rights.

What to Do if You Are Accused

As soon as you are accused of committing sex crimes, you should get started on building a strong defense. This requires a deep understanding of criminal law in general and the complexities of sex crime allegations in particular. Every aspect of your case needs to be scrutinized so you can challenge the prosecution’s narrative. A strong defense against sex crime allegations often includes:

  • Consent: If you can demonstrate that any sexual activity was consensual, this can help your defense immensely.
  • Mistaken identity: Another compelling argument is if you can show that the alleged victim misidentified you and you were not, in fact, the perpetrator.
  • Circumstantial or insufficient evidence: If the prosecution’s evidence is unreliable, insufficient, or only circumstantial, you can challenge its credibility.
  • Procedural violations: If you have legitimate claims that your rights were violated during the investigation or arrest, you can use these in your defense.

Cases involving allegations of sex crimes often involve sensitive and emotionally charged issues. These types of allegations can have a major impact on your life, reputation, and future. If you are convicted and sentenced to time in prison, you can still suffer many consequences even after you have served your time. You might be passed over for opportunities related to higher education, employment, housing, and relationships because of the stain on your reputation and the taboo that surrounds you. That is why it is so important to do everything you can to present a strong defense against any accusations.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Northern Baltimore County, MD Criminal Defense Lawyer

If someone accuses you of committing sex crimes, speak with a qualified Baltimore, MD criminal defense attorney. You need a strong defense and a reliable lawyer who can fight aggressively on your behalf while navigating the complexities of these types of claims. Atl Baltimore Legal Services, we are committed to defending our clients with compassion while employing strategic defense tactics. Call us at 858-523-8423 to schedule a free consultation.

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